Dear dharma brothers and sisters,
Welcome to our first newsletter of the Temporary Monks and Nuns. We are trying something new this year. We hope this newsletter will be a source of inspiration and make a difference in your life.
What is the spirit of the Altruistic Temporary Home-Leaving (XGVT)? Why do over 200 people like you and me take 14 days of their life in becoming temporary novice monks/nuns every year?
We will share with you stories, experiences directly from those who have done it before and are in the process. I believe that each will touch our hearts, give us a sense of purpose bigger than our small self. And you, can also be part of it.
This is an open book; we will offer the philosophy and teachings exclusive to the (XGVT) program. You can follow their journey from now to the end of the year. You can join our weekly meditation and local trainings without being committed to become a sangha member.
Our wish is that one day we assemble a sangha of 1000 temporary monks/nuns. Why 1000? Because it’s a beautiful, a rounded number ☺ We strongly believe in how much impact it would do to the community. 1000 laymen and laywomen like you and me from different backgrounds, dedicate up to 14 days to a monastic, spiritual lifestyle for the sake of others.
Welcome to the journey of this bodhisattva path!
Khai Nghiêm
CompaSS Sangha Leader